Monday, October 8, 2007

My Top 8 in a Guy

These are my top 8 in a guy (i know. an odd number but that was all i could think of)
8- He needs to be funny to make me laugh
7- Has things in common with me
6- His looks
5- He needs to have a wonderful personality
4- He needs to like me for who i am
3- TRUST i really need to be able to trust him
2- He needs to treat his parents kind and is not afraid to be embarassed when they are around (unless they are doing foolish things and imature)
1- He loves me


Belle ♥ said...

greta...i dunno if you knew this or not but...
8 is an even number, not an odd one

Anonymous said...

lol i know that! usually tops are like top 5 or top 10 or top 20 ya know? but im saying its odd because people don't say Top 8...cha konw?

Dan said...

Yeah thats what girls want? Pretty interesting and good to kno!!!!
