Saturday, October 6, 2007

Its not cool

would you like it if you were playing in a soccer game, and the final score was tied or lost, and a girl from your team said to you "Ohmygod! It's all your fault!!" I would not. Its not cool.
Would you like it if your team mates were making fun of you? And laughing and snikering and not being nice to you and blaming everything on you? And talking behind your back and saying the wrong things about you? I wouldn't. Its totally not cool. Just because some people are really popular on a team or at school, doesn't mean you have to make fun of people and do mean things to people. Being popular should be about if that person if really kind to others and being gracious and forgiving (i know it sounds like Jesus, but he was popular because he was very compassionate and forgiving to people). Popularity isn't about winning to be the top by doing mean things to others, its about being good to others and if you want to be popular, be kind. Because its just down right dumb and mean to give people the cold shoulder and make fun of them. Its not cool. Really not cool.
Oh yeah. I've seen pleanty of it at my school. All different grades. And that is one reason to leave my school.

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